Create & Set Up Your Investor Account

Get started on your way to making investments with your Alto Investor account in just a matter of minutes.


Create an Investor Account

Alto's KYC/AML Process

Seven-Day Rule

Create Multiple Investor Accounts

Create an Investor Account

Get started by signing up for an Alto Investor account!

  • Go to and click “Get Started” in the top right corner. Input your email and password, check the boxes to consent to our Electronic Signature policy, agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then click “Open my account.


  • You will now need to verify your email address. Go to your email and click the link within the verification email. When you click the link, that will push you back to Alto to continue the process. 
  • Per the Patriot Act, we are required to verify the identity of all Alto account holders. You will click on the “Begin Verification” button to input your information. 

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  • You can now enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to your account if you would like. If not, just click skip.
  • On the next screen, you will choose whether you'd like to open an Alto CryptoIRA® or an Alto IRA


  • Next, select which type of IRA you would like to open. Alto offers Traditional, Roth, and SEP IRAs.

  • Next, input your phone number, review your information and click “Continue”
  • Check to make sure your information is correct one last time, scroll down, and e-sign your name exactly as it appears in bold below the "Sign Here" box.

  • Lastly, click “Create my Alto IRA.” You’re now done and can begin funding your account! Please see the support articles linked below for information on the funding process.

Seven-Day Rule

Your Alto IRA, regardless of the type of IRA created, will be restricted from completing any investment transactions for the first seven days after creation. However, you'll be able to fund your Alto IRA (link) during this seven-day waiting period if your account passes our KYC/AML screening. This seven-day waiting period is mandated by the IRS, not Alto.

Keep in Mind: If you have started the cash contribution process, and you decide you'd like to revoke your account, you will need to reach out to your funding source to cancel the contribution. If you are unable to cancel the cash contribution we will have to wait until funds are allocated to your Alto account. Once the funds have been allocated you will have to take a distribution back to your personal bank account which means you may be subject to early withdrawal penalties. The funds must be transferred back to the account from which they were sent. If you are transferring into Alto from another IRA, funds must be sent back to the same IRA.

Create Multiple Investor Accounts

In the event that you'd like to invest in different types of alternative assets that an existing Alto investor account does not support or you'd like to have more than one type of IRA, you can create another investor account by signing up for a new investor account with a different email address than the one that's already associated with your existing investor account. 

Note: Each funded investor account that you have with Alto will have its own set of fees. 

Next Steps: Fund Your Alto IRA!

Do you have more questions or need additional help with creating and setting up an investor account? Feel free to email us at or use our Contact Us form to reach our Client Operations Team!